Beware: These Tax Return Red Flags Could Trigger an Audit by the IRS
Taxpayers can avoid audits if they know the specific red flags that trigger them. Fiducial can help! Here's our list of red flags that lead to an audit!

Charitable Contributions Deduction Liberalized for 2021
To stimulate charitable contributions during the pandemic, Congress made two notable changes for 2020. Fiducial has more info on this potential deduction!

4 Questions Business Owners Should Consider for Their 2020 Taxes
If 2020 wasn’t challenging enough, this season’s tax-filing is even more complicated than usual. Here are 4 questions you should ask about 2020's taxes.

How to Address Rising Tax Problems During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic will have tax implications many have not considered. This may mean paying additional income taxes that they had not planned.

What Happens if I Receive an IRS CP2000 Notice?
There are few things that can send a chill down your spine more than mail from the IRS. If you open the mail to find a CP2000 notice inside, don’t panic.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and Retirement Benefits
The CAA includes many provisions addressing economic hardships caused by the pandemic. Here's what you need to know about the CAA and retirement benefits.