Employer-Offered Benefits That Can Save You Money and Taxes
Tax law includes tax and financial benefits that employers can offer to employees. If your employer offers these benefits, consider taking advantage.

Childcare Tax Credits: What You Need to Know
Many parents arrange for childcare for their children under 13 during the school vacation. With this added expense -thankfully- comes childcare tax credits.

Got a Letter From the IRS? Don’t Panic - Learn About CP-Series Notices!
The IRS now does most of its auditing through correspondence, so an IRS letter can cause panic. Learn more about CP-series notices and what they mean.

Are You an American Living Abroad? Here Are Tips for Expats Filing Taxes
Think that because you've moved out of the country, you don't have to pay taxes on money you earn? Not so. Expats need to continue filing taxes.

Reconstructing Individual Financial and Tax Records
Hurricanes, fires, floods, tornadoes, and other unanticipated events can all destroy tax records. Fiducial has tips to reconstruct lost financial records.

Should You Reimburse Employees for Moving Expenses?
Considering reimbursing new hires for moving expenses or existing employees for relocation costs? Learn about the applicable tax rules first.