Taxes and Coronavirus: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The COVID-19 outbreak is affecting our lives – including our taxes.Fiducial has the answers to your FAQs about how you may be impacted.

Families First Coronavirus Response Act: What Employers Need to Know
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act may make drastic actions by employers unnecessary. Fiducial explains the details of what the Act covers.

How the Families First Coronavirus Response Act Affects Employee Leave
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act allows employees to care for themselves or loved ones. It includes new tax credits to offset employers’ costs.

IRA Contribution Age Restriction Removed By Congress
Effective for tax years beginning in 2020, for individuals who otherwise qualify, Congress has removed the IRA contribution age restriction.

Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) Provision Gets a New Twist
Those age 70½ + can transfer up to $100,000 annually from IRAs to qualified charities. This transfer are called a qualified charitable distribution (QCD).

Why Basis Is So Important in Determining Valuation at Tax Time
Basis is used to calculate depreciation, casualties, and depletion, as well as gains or losses on disposition of an asset.