Paid Sick or Family Leave, Health Plans Addressed by Temporary Regs
The Dept. of Labor issued temporary regulations for the emergency paid sick and family leave. Theses regulations are provided under the FFCRA and CARES Act.

Why You Need a Business Advisor Even More in Uncertain Times
What do a potential recession and other unknowns about the future mean for your business? Now more than ever, your financial advisor can help you..

Tax Credit Pays for Keeping Employees on Payroll
To help retain employees during the COVID-19 crisis, there is a refundable employer retention tax credit! This comes as a relief to many businesses.

Small Business COVID-19 Resources (PPP, SBA Loans, Tax Updates, and More)
To keep you up to date and manage your business during this time, Fiducial has created the Coronavirus COVID-19 Update Center to help manage your business.

CARES Act Provides Option to Delay CECL Reporting
The CARES Act was signed into law on March 27. The law allows large public banks to temporarily postpone the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard.

What the April 15 Tax Filing Deadline Extensions Mean to You
The IRS has implemented deadline extensions for filing Federal income tax returns and tax payments. The new deadline is to file is July 15, 2020.