Research Credit Available as a Payroll Tax Credit Doubled cover

Research Credit Available as a Payroll Tax Credit Doubled

The Inflation Reduction Act has a provision that could benefit small business startups. It could allow them to double the research and development credit.
Update on Business Asset Depreciation cover

Update on Business Asset Depreciation

Inflation can have some beneficial side effects. One is that the amount of depreciation tax breaks your business can claim has increased for 2023.
Would “Interest Crediting” Help Boost Participation in Your Organization’s HRA? cover

Would “Interest Crediting” Help Boost Participation in Your Organization’s HRA?

Employers offering employees the option to invest in an HRA may be able to enhance this benefit by adding an “interest crediting” feature to their plans.
SECURE 2.0 Act: Should Your 401(k) Help Employees With Emergencies? cover

SECURE 2.0 Act: Should Your 401(k) Help Employees With Emergencies?

SECURE 2.0 Act kicks in next year which may allow businesses to help employees in financial emergencies through their 401(k)s.
Guaranteeing a Loan to Your Corporation? There May be Tax Implications cover

Guaranteeing a Loan to Your Corporation? There May be Tax Implications

If your corporation defaults on a loan that you guarantee, there may be tax consequences. You don’t want to be caught unaware.
Extreme Weather May Lead to More 401(k) Hardship Distribution Requests cover

Extreme Weather May Lead to More 401(k) Hardship Distribution Requests

Extreme weather can result in damage to personal residences. You must prepare your HR staff and employees for the hardship distribution approval process.
What Will Happen When TCJA Tax Changes Sunset in 2025? cover

What Will Happen When TCJA Tax Changes Sunset in 2025?

Most of the tax changes made by TCJA will expire after 2025. This will impact long range tax planning and result in a mixed bag of tax increases and cuts.
Receive More than $10,000 in Cash at Your Business? Meet Form 8300 cover

Receive More than $10,000 in Cash at Your Business? Meet Form 8300

Does your business receive large amounts of cash or cash equivalents? Then you must report these transactions to the IRS using Form 8300.