The Advantages of Using an LLC for Your Small Business

You can operate your small business in several ways. Here are the advantages of operating as a limited liability company (LLC).

Bartering Is a Taxable Transaction Even if No Cash Is Exchanged

Exchange your business's goods or services without cash through barter. But be aware of tax implications that may occur. Learn more.

Kiddie Tax – What a Parent Needs to Know

The Kiddie Tax affects children's unearned income, taxing portions at their parents' rate. Learn strategies to minimize tax impact. Read more.

Taking Your Spouse on a Business Trip? Can You Write off the Costs?

The rules for deducting a spouse’s travel costs are very restrictive for small business owners. Here’s a rundown of what businesses can and can’t write off for tax purposes.

What Income Is Taxable?

This article explores some of the commonly encountered situations that could have unexpected results when answering the question; "What income is Taxable?".

What’s the Best Accounting Method Route for Business Tax Purposes?

Many businesses have a choice of using cash or accrual accounting for tax purposes. If you’re one of them, which route should you take? Here are the rules.
Tax Season

Cracking the Tax Code: Your Guide to Tax Jargon

The tax season is full of jargon. In this brief guide, we’ll give you the lowdown on some of the most important terms you should know during tax season.

Does a Foreign Entity Need a U.S. Identification Number (EIN)?

It is mandatory for foreign entities that are conducting business in the United States to have an Employer Identification Number. Learn more on how to obtain an EIN.