Are You Cheating on Taxes? Here's What Could Happen
Cheating on your taxes has unpleasant consequences. These consequences include monetary penalties and the possibility of jail time for blatant cases.
Owe the IRS Money? How Long Is the Statute of Limitations?
For most taxpayers, the IRS has three years from the date of filing the returns to examine them. This period is termed the statute of limitations.
The Reverse Mortgage: A Cash Flow Solution for Seniors
Some retirees have a significant amount of debt and inadequate income. One solution for those with equity in their primary home is a reverse mortgage.
Estimated Tax Payments: Everything You Need to Know
Are your withholding and tax credits much less than your projected tax liability? Estimated tax payments can protect you from underpayment penalties.
Stepped-up Basis: Inheritances Enjoy a Special Tax Benefit
You may have heard the term “Stepped-Up Basis.” But what does it mean? Fiducial breaks it down in relation to many common inheritance scenarios.
Fringe Benefit Implications of Employer-Provided Cell Phones
An increase in remote workers has created new issues for employers. Should they provide workers with cell phones or let them use personal phones for work..
How Long Should You Keep Old Tax Records?
This is a common question: How long must taxpayers keep copies of their income tax returns and supporting tax records? And Fiducial has your answer.