Education Credits Aren’t Just For Children’s Tuition
If you think that education credits are just for sending your children to college, think again; the tax credits are available to you, your spouse (if you are married), and your dependents. Even if you or your spouse only attend school part-time, you still may qualify for a tax credit.
There are two education-related tax credits available: the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) and the Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC). For either credit, the student must be enrolled in an eligible educational institution for at least one academic period (semester, trimester, or quarter) during the year. An eligible educational institution is any accredited public, nonprofit, or proprietary postsecondary institution that can participate in the U.S. Department of Education’s student aid programs.
The credits phase out for higher-income taxpayers who are married filing jointly (MFJ) or who are unmarried. Those who are married and filing separately (MFS) do not qualify for either credit.
Eligible Expenses
The following table defines the eligible and ineligible expenses that are used in determining education expenses. This table illustrates the differences between expenses that qualify for the AOTC and the LLC.
Credit Qualifications
There are differences in the qualifications for each credit as illustrated in the following table.

*Generally, credits are nonrefundable, meaning that they can only be used to offset your tax liability; any amount exceeding your current-year tax liability is lost. However, unlike other credits, the AOTC is partially refundable in most cases.
Many individuals who both work and attend school can be enrolled less than halftime and still qualify for the LLC.
Qualifier Earns Education Credits
Another interesting twist to education credits is that the taxpayer who qualifies for and claims the student’s exemption for the year gets the credit—even if someone else pays the expenses. Thus, for example, even if a noncustodial parent pays a child’s college expenses, the custodial parent gets the credit if he or she is otherwise qualified. The same applies when grandparents help pay for their grandchild’s education; the grandparents do not qualify for the credit unless they, and not the child’s parents, claim the student as a dependent.
Generally, the educational institution sends a Form 1098-T to the taxpayer (or dependent); this includes the information necessary to complete the IRS form and claim the credit. Unless the IRS has exempted the educational institution from having to file a 1098-T, the law requires the taxpayer to have this 1098-T in hand to claim either of the credits. Where the educational institution is exempted from supplying the 1098-T, the taxpayer will need to be able to document the student’s enrollment at an eligible educational institution and substantiate the amount of any scholarships received and the tuition payment(s) made and related expenses.
If you have questions about how these education credit provisions apply to you, schedule a consultation with a Fiducial advisor at
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