Fiducial’s Best Tips to Get Your Startup Off the Ground
- Learn Fiducial’s tips to launch your startup successfully.
- Discover the importance of spending wisely rather than freely.
- Find out why actions that don’t scale hold importance for your startup.
- Learn why you shouldn’t be afraid to outsource.
One of the most important things to understand about being a startup entrepreneur is that there is no “one size fits all” approach to what you're doing. Everyone's path is different. You need to find your own if you want to have any reasonable chance for long-term success.
Having said that, there are a number of qualities that successful startups share. There are also a plethora of best practices that you can and should use to your advantage. Again — nobody can tell you exactly what to do as there is no road map. But keep Fiducial’s critical points in mind. If you do, you can increase the chances that your startup will stand the test of time exponentially.
Launching Your Startup the Right Way: An Overview
By far, one of the most important tips that you can use to get your startup off the ground has to do with practicing patience whenever possible. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your successful business won't be, either.
Yes, there are times when progress will move slower than you'd like. You may set a timeframe for yourself to hit certain milestones, and there will be situations where you'll miss them.
Sometimes, they're because of mistakes you've made along the way. Other times, they'll be due to factors that are totally outside your control. But while the arc of progress may be slow, it's also nothing if not stable. This means that if you just remain patient and stay the course, you will soon get the results that you're after.

Spend wisely
Another critical tip that can help with your startup efforts involves spending that initial capital not just slowly, but wisely. Many of the entrepreneurs who run into issues trying to “spend their way to the top,” as it were.
Similar to the point about patience outlined above, they just want to hit each milestone as quickly as possible. Soon, they begin to get careless — almost greedy. They lose sight of the things that really matter. They believe too much in the old saying that “you have to spend money to make money.”
Instead, what you should really be doing is investing every dollar available to you into short-term returns. That way, as you begin to generate more income, you can funnel that money back into the business in those areas where it will do the most good. This helps avoid major cashflow issues (another significant pain point for many startups). It also allows you to grow at a steady and stable rate as well.
Keep moving
But while growth is certainly important, also remember that sometimes you need to focus your actions on the tasks that don't scale, too.
If you're a software development company, for example, sometimes, you have to spend time writing code with which you're not necessarily 100% satisfied to get features to customers not in months or weeks, but in days. You can always go back and fix those issues later — never lose sight of the fact that the number one priority involves making sure that your product is always moving along the path you've set out for yourself.
Don’t be afraid to outsource
Finally, one of the best ways to make sure that your startup gets off on the right foot involves freeing yourself of the idea that outsourcing is somehow beneath you.
You're an entrepreneur, yes. That “can-do” spirit is a large part of what allowed you to enjoy so much success up to this point. But that doesn't mean that you're an expert in everything, and outsourcing can be an ideal way to help fill those gaps in your skillset that currently exist.
If accounting isn't your strong point, for example, don't assume that you can “learn on the fly.”
The stakes are too high to get that one wrong.
In that situation, outsourcing is far more efficient — not to mention more cost-effective — than building an expensive in-house team.
If nothing else, outsourcing also frees up your valuable time so that you can devote the maximum amount of your attention where it belongs — to your business. That in and of itself may be the most important benefit of all.
What’s next?
Want to learn even more tips you can use to effectively get your startup off the ground so that you can make the best possible first impression? Looking for answers to any additional questions you may have? Call Fiducial at 1-866-FIDUCIAL or make an appointment at one of our office locations to discuss your situation.
Ready to book an appointment now? Click here. Know someone who might need our services? We love referrals!
For more small business COVID-19 resources, visit Fiducial’s Coronavirus Update Center to find information on SBA loans, tax updates, the Paycheck Protection Program, paid sick and family leave.