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Death of a loved one

What to Do After the Death of a Loved One

The death of a loved one is one of life’s most difficult times. Learn how you can start financial preparations as a surviving spouse.

It Is Important to Understand How Taxes Factor Into M&A Transactions

Before merging/acquiring, understand how the transaction will be taxed under current law to avoid surprises.

Smart Savings for Building and Expanding Your Nest Egg

This comprehensive guide outlines practical and proven savings hacks that can significantly enhance your financial security and future prosperity.

What You Need to Know About Third-Party Tax Authorizations

There are times when you may need to authorize a third-party to represent you when dealing with the IRS. But how do you navigate the authorizations?

Employers Now Have Guidance on Emergency Savings Accounts (PLESA)

If you’re looking for an exciting new addition to your benefits package, consider offering “pension-linked” emergency savings accounts (PLESA) under your qualified retirement plan.

Coordinating SEC. 179 Tax Deductions With Bonus Depreciation

There’s more than one way for businesses to claim depreciation tax deductions. By combining them, you can get optimal tax-saving results.

Converting Personal Vehicles to Business Use: A Comprehensive Guide

Converting your personal vehicle to business use can offer significant tax and financial advantages. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you.
Unique Charitable Giving Options cover

Unique Charitable Giving Options

There are some unique ways to make charitable contributions that can provide tax advantages to the donor. Click to learn what will help you be tax-wise.

Estimated Tax Payments Are Not Just for the Self-Employed

Self-employed individuals must estimate tax payments based on yearly earnings, paying accordingly to the IRS schedule using their projections.

Top 10 Ways to Spot a Tax Scam

Stay secure during tax season with the top 10 ways to spot a tax scam. With fraud on the rise, these tips could save your hard-earned money.

Tax Benefits Available for Disabled Taxpayers

Disabled taxpayers, as well as parents of disabled children, may qualify for several tax credits and other tax benefits. Click to learn more!

The Advantages of Using an LLC for Your Small Business

You can operate your small business in several ways. Here are the advantages of operating as a limited liability company (LLC).
Tax Refund

Checking the Status of Your Federal Tax Refund Is Easy

Did you already file your 2023 federal tax return and are waiting on a refund? You can check the status of your refund online.

Bartering Is a Taxable Transaction Even if No Cash Is Exchanged

Exchange your business's goods or services without cash through barter. But be aware of tax implications that may occur. Learn more.

Kiddie Tax – What a Parent Needs to Know

The Kiddie Tax affects children's unearned income, taxing portions at their parents' rate. Learn strategies to minimize tax impact. Read more.

Taking Your Spouse on a Business Trip? Can You Write off the Costs?

The rules for deducting a spouse’s travel costs are very restrictive for small business owners. Here’s a rundown of what businesses can and can’t write off for tax purposes.