Rules for business meal deductions for “wining and dining” current/potential customers and employees have changed. But, you can still claim some write-offs.
Many employers have placed all or some employees on mandatory furloughs. If your company has done so, you may wonder if you have to offer COBRA benefits. Cockerham Cockerham2020-06-19 13:01:042020-06-19 13:28:03Offering COBRA to employees furloughed because of COVID-19
You’ve received a Paycheck Protection Program loan (PPP)! Now, start planning how to spend the PPP loan with loan forgiveness in mind. Fiducial can help! Cockerham Cockerham2020-06-12 13:00:162020-06-15 13:20:44Your PPP Loan Forgiveness Will Probably be Less Than Anticipated
Damage, destruction or loss of property from an event occuring suddenly, unexpectedly or unusually is a casualty. Recent casualties may mean tax deductons. Cockerham Cockerham2020-06-10 13:00:182020-06-10 13:00:18Claim Casualty Loss Deductions for Rioting Damage at Your Business
Congress wants to encourage charitable giving. So, they have relaxed restrictions on how much charitable contribution taxpayers can deduct in any one year. Cockerham Cockerham2020-06-08 13:00:112020-06-08 13:43:42Charitable Giving Made Easier by Congress During the COVID-19 Crisis