The IRS Backlog Is Causing Taxpayer Heartburn

The IRS Backlog Is Causing Taxpayer Heartburn

COVID-19 brought about a perfect storm of delays for the IRS. It has been a rough couple of years, and it is taking a long time for them to catch up.
Higher Income Taxpayers Beware: Tax Increases May Be Coming

Higher Income Taxpayers Beware: Tax Increases May Be Coming

The House Ways and Means Committee has released a list of proposed tax changes. As you read, notice that the provisions apply to higher income taxpayers.
Employers: Will your health insurance be “affordable” in 2022?

Employers: Will your health insurance be “affordable” in 2022?

Is your organization an applicable large employer (ALE) under the ACA? Will the health insurance you offer employees be considered “affordable” next year?
Small Businesses: Here's How the U.S. Wayfair Decision Affects You if You Do Business Out of State

Small Businesses: Here's How the U.S. Wayfair Decision Affects You if You Do Business Out of State

Do you do a significant amount of business in states other than where you have a physical presence? Then you should know about the Wayfair decision.
Should You Opt Out of the Advance Child Tax Credit?

Should You Opt Out of the Advance Child Tax Credit?

Have children under the age of 18? By now, you likely have received your first advance child tax credit payment, either by check or by direct deposit.
Getting a Divorce? Learn How It Will Impact Your Taxes

Getting a Divorce? Learn How It Will Impact Your Taxes

Getting divorced? Significant tax issues are coming your way. Find out what you need to know with Fiducial's guide to divorce and taxes!
The Treasury Green Book of Biden-Proposed Tax Changes

The Treasury Green Book of Biden-Proposed Tax Changes

The U.S. Treasury has released the Biden administration’s 2022 Fiscal Year Budget. We commonly refer to the publication as the Green Book.
Gift and Estate Taxes: Fiducial Lays Out Everything You Need to Know

Gift and Estate Taxes: Fiducial Lays Out Everything You Need to Know

The more you know about gift and estate taxes, the better prepared you are to plan for the future. Fiducial has a primer on the subject to get you started.