Surviving a Business Audit with Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs)
To prepare for a business audit, the IRS researches the industry & issues on the taxpayer’s return. Examiners may use IRS “Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs).”
The IRS Backlog Is Causing Taxpayer Heartburn
COVID-19 brought about a perfect storm of delays for the IRS. It has been a rough couple of years, and it is taking a long time for them to catch up.
Small Businesses: Here's How the U.S. Wayfair Decision Affects You if You Do Business Out of State
Do you do a significant amount of business in states other than where you have a physical presence? Then you should know about the Wayfair decision.
Should You Opt Out of the Advance Child Tax Credit?
Have children under the age of 18? By now, you likely have received your first advance child tax credit payment, either by check or by direct deposit.
The Tax Implications if Your Business Engages in Environmental Cleanup
If your company faces the need to “remediate” or clean up environmental contamination, take a breath—all is not lost! Unexpected expenses are always worrisome, but there are ways to mitigate those losses.
Deductibility of Corporate Expenses Covered by Officers or Shareholders
Do you play a major role in a closely held corporation?Do you sometimes spend money on corporate expenses personally? Here's what you need to know.
Tax Refund Offset Taking Your Tax Refund? Find Out Why
Thought you'd receive a tax refund, but it never arrived? It may have been submitted for tax refund offset by an agency of the federal or state government.