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Symbol for decreasing pensions. Dice placed on stacks of coins form the word "PENSION".

Consider a Lift-Out to De-Risk Your Defined Benefit Pension Plan

Private sector employers are retreating from the DB pension model. A “lift-out” is common to settle liabilities for vested benefits of active employees.
10 Facts About the Pass-Through Deduction for Qualified Business Income

10 Facts About the Pass-Through Deduction for Qualified Business Income

Are you eligible for the deduction for QBI? Fiducial has 10 facts about this valuable tax break, referred to as the pass-through or QBI deduction.
Can Employers Use Health Records to Verify COVID-19 Vaccination?

Can Employers Use Health Records to Verify COVID-19 Vaccination?

Many employers have asked employees to submit proof of a COVID-19 vaccination before returning to work. Learn the best way to acquire this information..
Be prepared for 401(k) casualty loss hardship distribution requests

Be prepared for 401(k) casualty loss hardship distribution requests

Employers that sponsor 401(k) plans must be prepared todeal with the casualty loss safe harbor. Fiducial has information to guide you below.
Restaurants and Businesses Benefit from Temporary Tax Deduction

Restaurants and Businesses Benefit from Temporary Tax Deduction

Congress has provided businesses a temporary tax break to help the restaurant industry. Fiducial has more details about this tax deduction below!
IRS Continues to Help Employers Address COVID-Related Leave

IRS Continues to Help Employers Address COVID-Related Leave

The ARPA amended and extended tax credits for eligible employers that provide paid sick and family leave. Fiducial has info about this COVID-related relief.
“Stress Test” Your Business With 3 Crucial Steps

“Stress Test” Your Business With 3 Crucial Steps

A “stress test” can help reveal blind spots that threaten your business. Fiducial recommends a comprehensive stress test that requires three steps.
How Can Eldercare Qualify as a Medical Deduction?

How Can Eldercare Qualify as a Medical Deduction?

The cost of eldercare may qualify for a deduction as a medical expense. But as with anything tax-related, there are many factors to consider.
The Inspiring Startup Story of the Team Behind

The Inspiring Startup Story of the Team Behind

A lot of people know about, particularly in the entrepreneurial community. It’s the stuff startup dreams are made of!
Accounting for Restaurants: A Guide to Success for Your Business

Accounting for Restaurants: A Guide to Success for Your Business

Accounting and bookkeeping for restaurants is not the flashy side of the buisness. However, it is just as important as your menu, décor, and presentation.
How Biden's Proposed American Families Plan Might Affect You

How Biden's Proposed American Families Plan Might Affect You

President Biden presented his American Families Plan (AFP) during his Joint Session of Congress address. Fiducial has an overview of what is in the plan.
Tax Consequences of Owning a Short-Term Rental Property

Tax Consequences of Owning a Short-Term Rental Property

Many taxpayers rent out their first or second homes without considering tax consequences. If you own a short-term rental, know the tax rules that may apply.
Tax Refund Offset Taking Your Tax Refund? Find Out Why

Tax Refund Offset Taking Your Tax Refund? Find Out Why

Thought you'd receive a tax refund, but it never arrived? It may have been submitted for tax refund offset by an agency of the federal or state government.
Traveling for Business? What Business Travel Deductions Are Available?

Traveling for Business? What Business Travel Deductions Are Available?

As we emerge from the pandemic, business travel is beginning again. Under tax law, a number of rules exist for business travel deductions (within the US).
Eligible Businesses: Claim the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)

Eligible Businesses: Claim the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)

The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is a valuable tax break. It was extended and modified by the (ARPA) in March, 2021. Here’s a rundown of the rules.
Providing Educational Assistance to Employees? Follow These Rules

Providing Educational Assistance to Employees? Follow These Rules

Many businesses provide education fringe benefits to their employees. Do you need information about providing educational assistance to your employees?