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Number of Americans Who Didn't Pay Mortgage Hit 5% in December 2020

Number of Americans Who Didn't Pay Mortgage Hit 5% in December 2020

About 5 million Americans couldn't make their rent or mortgage payments in December 2020. That is more than 5% of all renters & mortgage holders in the US.
Are Your Unemployment Benefits Taxable? Fiducial Has the Answer

Are Your Unemployment Benefits Taxable? Fiducial Has the Answer

Unemployment benefits have changed throughout 2020. If you've received these benfits, you may be wondering if they're taxable. Fiducial has the answer!
Business highlights in the new American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

Business highlights in the new American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) on March 11. Here's are several tax breaks and financial benefits for businesses.
Employee Retention Credit Extended Through June 2021

Employee Retention Credit Extended Through June 2021

During the pandemic, the CARES Act created the Employee Retention Credit for 2020. As part of the CCA, the credit has been extended through June 2021.
Great News! Child Care Tax Credit Expanded for 2021

Great News! Child Care Tax Credit Expanded for 2021

Great news if you pay childcare expenses that enable you to work. President Biden’s ARPA substantially increased the child and dependent care tax credit.
Run a business from home? You May Qualify for Home Office Deductions

Run a business from home? You May Qualify for Home Office Deductions

Are you self-employed? Do you run your business from your home? You might be able to claim deductions for home office expenses against your business income.
Increased Business Meal Deduction for 2021 and 2022

Increased Business Meal Deduction for 2021 and 2022

Under TCJA, the business meal deduction is 50% of the actual expense. For 2021 & 2022, the Taxpayer Certainty & Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 allows 100%.
Here’s What Happened in the World of Small Business in March 2021

Here’s What Happened in the World of Small Business in March 2021

March 2021 was a big month for your small business! Check out Fiducial’s list of five things that happened last month that affect your small business.
What Are the Tax Implications of Buying or Selling a Business?

What Are the Tax Implications of Buying or Selling a Business?

If you are considering buying or selling another business, it’s important to understand the tax implications. So, here are Fiducial’s best tips!
Unemployment Fraud Creates Tax Stress for Unsuspecting Taxpayers

Unemployment Fraud Creates Tax Stress for Unsuspecting Taxpayers

Improper unemployment payments cost the US $36 to $63 billion in 2020.The improper payments are a result of unemployment fraud.
Mark Your Calendar! April 2021 Individual and Business Tax Due Dates

Mark Your Calendar! April 2021 Individual and Business Tax Due Dates

April is a big month for tax due dates! The deadline to file has been extended to May 17th, but there are still some taxes due in April. Mark your calendar!
Were You the Victim of a Qualified Disaster? There Is Tax Relief Available

Were You the Victim of a Qualified Disaster? There Is Tax Relief Available

Often, legislation provides tax relief to the victims of a qualified disaster. Now, we have the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020.
What Are the Tax Benefits and Drawbacks of Home Ownership?

What Are the Tax Benefits and Drawbacks of Home Ownership?

Housing is a big expense for everyone. Fiducial looks at the tax benefits and drawbacks of buying, financing, and owning a home.
Fiducial’s List of Tax Deductions You Can Take Without Itemizing

Fiducial’s List of Tax Deductions You Can Take Without Itemizing

Most taxpayers think they must itemize their tax deductions to claim them on their return. You can claim some deductions while using the standard deduction.
Interaction between PPP Loans and the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

Interaction between PPP Loans and the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CCA) included a very tax-beneficial provision. This provision liberalized the interaction between PPP loans & the ERC.
The Latest on COVID-related Deadline Extensions for Health Care Benefits

The Latest on COVID-related Deadline Extensions for Health Care Benefits

The DOL issued EBSA Disaster Relief Notice 2021-01. It clarifies the duration of some COVID-19-related deadline extensions to health care benefits plans.