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Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): What You Need to Know

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): What You Need to Know

HSAs are misunderstood and underused. Congress created them so those with HDHPs could save for medical expenses not covered by insurance.
Employers Should Approach Payroll Tax Deferral Cautiously

Employers Should Approach Payroll Tax Deferral Cautiously

President Trump signed an executive memo on August 8 for a payroll tax deferral. It creates uncertainty re: administrative compliance and long-term impact.
New Opportunity For $500 Economic Impact Payments for Children

New Opportunity For $500 Economic Impact Payments for Children

The IRS reopens registration for those with children who didn't receive Economic Impact Payments. Did you receive your $500/child stimulus payment?
Key Tax Deadlines for Businesses and Employers in Q4 2020

Key Tax Deadlines for Businesses and Employers in Q4 2020

Here are key tax-related deadlines for businesses and employers in Q4 2020. This list isn’t all-inclusive; additional deadlines may apply to you.
Stimulus Checks Issued to Decedents Cancelled by the IRS

Stimulus Checks Issued to Decedents Cancelled by the IRS

The Treasury Dept. has cancelled outstanding stimulus checks issued to ineligible recipients. This includes those declared deceased.
Qualified retirement plan rules affect COVID-19-related layoffs and rehires

Qualified retirement plan rules affect COVID-19-related layoffs and rehires

Have you laid off employees because of COVID-19? Plan to rehire some of them before 2020 ends? If so, and you offer a qualified retirement plan, listen up!
What You Need To Know About Bonus Depreciation

What You Need To Know About Bonus Depreciation

Are you aware of the 100% bonus depreciation tax available for qualifying property? Fiducial has five important points to know about this tax-saving tool.
Nexus Rules Are Being Reshaped for Remote Workers Due to COVID-19

Nexus Rules Are Being Reshaped for Remote Workers Due to COVID-19

With more people working from home, states are considering nexus. State governments must address remote employees in terms of nexus rules and tax revenue.
Court invalidates some COVID-19 paid sick and family leave regs

Court invalidates some COVID-19 paid sick and family leave regs

Parts of the DOL’s temporary regs of the paid sick and family leave parts of the FFCRAwere nullified. This is important in the implementation of the law.
Employers, Don't Miss Out on the Work Opportunity Credit (WOTC)

Employers, Don't Miss Out on the Work Opportunity Credit (WOTC)

The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2019 extended the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). This lets employers who are willing to help disadvantaged people benefit from a substantial federal tax credit.
Your Sec 529 Plan (College Savings Plan) Just Became More Useful

Your Sec 529 Plan (College Savings Plan) Just Became More Useful

A Sec 529 Plan is a tax-beneficial incentive for parents and others to save money for college tuition and fees. Congress just made them more useful.
Tax Effects of a Business Making a Charitable Contribution

Tax Effects of a Business Making a Charitable Contribution

Businesses generally aren't allowed a business expense deduction for a charitable contribution. Fiducial explains the pros and cons of these contributions.
How to Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus-Related Scams

How to Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus-Related Scams

The IRS and other government agencies note a rise in scams during the COVID-19 crisis. Individuals and groups are taking advantage of unwitting taxpayers.
Form W-2 reporting of COVID-19-related sick leave and family leave

Form W-2 reporting of COVID-19-related sick leave and family leave

In Notice 2020-54, the IRS provided new guidance. The guidance advises employers on Form W-2 reporting of qualified sick leave and family leave wages
Social Security Taxes Deferred: What Does It Mean for Your Business?

Social Security Taxes Deferred: What Does It Mean for Your Business?

The President signed a Presidential Memorandum to defer employee's Social Security taxes. The action only defers the taxes; they’ll be paid back eventually.
The Energy-Saving Tax Credit Is Back! Do You Qualify?

The Energy-Saving Tax Credit Is Back! Do You Qualify?

This credit is best described as an energy-saving tax credit. It applies to improvements to the taxpayer’s existing home to make it more energy efficient.