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Charitable Giving Made Easier by Congress During the COVID-19 Crisis

Charitable Giving Made Easier by Congress During the COVID-19 Crisis

Congress wants to encourage charitable giving. So, they have relaxed restrictions on how much charitable contribution taxpayers can deduct in any one year.
The CARES Act Gives Businesses Big Tax Benefits

The CARES Act Gives Businesses Big Tax Benefits

The CARES Act is designed to help businesses weather the pandemic. It allows businesses to recover taxes previously paid, and provides financial relief.
Retirement Plan Distribution and Loan Relief Addressed by CARES Act

Retirement Plan Distribution and Loan Relief Addressed by CARES Act

The IRS recently issued FAQs about retirement plan distribution and loan relief under the CARES Act. Fiducial has all you need to know about this relief.
FFCRA’s Paid Leave Questions Get DOL Clarification

FFCRA’s Paid Leave Questions Get DOL Clarification

If you felt befuddled by the FFCRA’s initial guidelines on paid leave, you’re not alone. Luckily, Fiducial has answers with the DOL's updated guidelines.
The PPP and Health Care Enhancement Act-What’s in Them?

The PPP and Health Care Enhancement Act-What’s in Them?

President Trump has signed the PPP & HCE Act. This package, worth $484 billion, passed in both the Senate and the House the week of April 20, 2020.
Fortunate Enough to Get a PPP loan? Forgiven Expenses Aren’t Deductible

Fortunate Enough to Get a PPP loan? Forgiven Expenses Aren’t Deductible

The IRS issued guidance about provisions from the CARES Act regarding PPP loans. Certain deductions aren’t allowed if a business has received a PPP loan.
Charitable Deduction Rules Change Under CARES Act

Charitable Deduction Rules Change Under CARES Act

In order to incentivize charitable giving, the CARES Act made some changes. Good news for businesses: charitable deduction rules are even more favorable.
Coronavirus-Related Tax Relief for U.S. Families and Individuals

Coronavirus-Related Tax Relief for U.S. Families and Individuals

The IRS has provided some coronavirus-related tax relief provisions for affected taxpayers. Fiducial gives you a look at what's being offered.
Net Operating Loss Tax Changes Provide Relief Through CARES Act

Net Operating Loss Tax Changes Provide Relief Through CARES Act

Fiducial has a look at how Congress modified net operating loss tax rules under the CARES Act. These changes may provide relief from the COVID-19 crisis.
When Will I Get My Stimulus Payment Check? Fiducial Has Answers

When Will I Get My Stimulus Payment Check? Fiducial Has Answers

Have you received your stimulus payment yet? If you’ve not seen a deposit in your account so far, Fiducial may know why.
Recovery Rebate Funds Are Finally Flowing - Did You Get Yours?

Recovery Rebate Funds Are Finally Flowing - Did You Get Yours?

The IRS has started making Economic Impact Payments, aka the “Recovery Rebate”. However, not everyone who was expecting one has received theirs.
Scammers Are Busy During the COVID-19 Crisis, So Be Aware

Scammers Are Busy During the COVID-19 Crisis, So Be Aware

Beware of scammers during the COVID-19 crisis. This is a good time for scammers to steal your identity or separate you from your money.
How the CARES Act Affects Employer-Sponsored Benefits

How the CARES Act Affects Employer-Sponsored Benefits

Do you know how the CARES Act affects employer-sponsored benefits like testing and medications to treat COVID-19? Fiducial has the highlights.
Deferred Payroll Taxes for Employers Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Deferred Payroll Taxes for Employers Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Included in the COVID-19 epidemic stimulus package are deferred payroll taxes. This is welcome relief to business owners. Fiducial has the scoop!
COVID-19 Tax Relief Measures Mean Adjusting Financial Statements

COVID-19 Tax Relief Measures Mean Adjusting Financial Statements

The CARES Act has tax-related provisions for business hit by the COVID-19 crisis. It will ialso mpact financial reporting. Fiducial has the scoop on how.
Paid Sick or Family Leave, Health Plans Addressed by Temporary Regs

Paid Sick or Family Leave, Health Plans Addressed by Temporary Regs

The Dept. of Labor issued temporary regulations for the emergency paid sick and family leave. Theses regulations are provided under the FFCRA and CARES Act.