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How Can You Minimize Tax on Social Security Benefits?

How Can You Minimize Tax on Social Security Benefits?

Whether your Social Security benefits are taxable depends on many issues. Fiducial can help you understand the taxability of your Social Security benefits.
Higher Income Taxpayers Beware: Tax Increases May Be Coming

Higher Income Taxpayers Beware: Tax Increases May Be Coming

The House Ways and Means Committee has released a list of proposed tax changes. As you read, notice that the provisions apply to higher income taxpayers.
Employers May “Designate” Certain Payroll Tax Payments

Employers May “Designate” Certain Payroll Tax Payments

Employers know that they must submit payroll tax payments to the federal government. However, you may have more control of those payments than you know.
M&A Transactions: Be Careful When Reporting To the IRS

M&A Transactions: Be Careful When Reporting To the IRS

Considering buying or selling a business? Already in the process of an M&A transaction? Both parties must report to IRS and state agencies in the same way.
Employers: Will your health insurance be “affordable” in 2022?

Employers: Will your health insurance be “affordable” in 2022?

Is your organization an applicable large employer (ALE) under the ACA? Will the health insurance you offer employees be considered “affordable” next year?
Checklist: Managing Vacation Requests Post-Lockdown

Checklist: Managing Vacation Requests Post-Lockdown

Encouraging employees to use vacation time has many benefits. Fiducial has a checklist to help you develop a plan for managing vacation requests this year:
Small Businesses: Here's How the U.S. Wayfair Decision Affects You if You Do Business Out of State

Small Businesses: Here's How the U.S. Wayfair Decision Affects You if You Do Business Out of State

Do you do a significant amount of business in states other than where you have a physical presence? Then you should know about the Wayfair decision.
Double-Check the Rules on Spousal Consent for 401(k) Distributions

Double-Check the Rules on Spousal Consent for 401(k) Distributions

Some 401(k) plans require spousal consent whenever a participant takes a distribution. Others don’t require spousal consent for distributions or loans.
Tax Depreciation Rules for Business Automobiles

Tax Depreciation Rules for Business Automobiles

If you use an automobile in your trade or business, you may wonder how depreciation tax deductions are determined. The rules are complicated.
Were You Affected by a Disaster Loss? You Need These Tax Tips

Were You Affected by a Disaster Loss? You Need These Tax Tips

Those in disaster areas are eligible for a variety of tax benefits. If you suffered a disaster loss, read on for important tax-related information.
October Extended Due Date Just Around the Corner

October Extended Due Date Just Around the Corner

October 15 is the extended due date for filing federal individual tax returns for 2020. Failure to file before that date may incur late-filing penalties.
Recordkeeping Tips Business Owners Should Know to Keep the IRS Away

Recordkeeping Tips Business Owners Should Know to Keep the IRS Away

Want to avoid making errors in your recordkeeping? Then, you need to know the most commonly encountered pitfalls. Here are Fiducial’s most helpful tips.
Getting a Divorce? Be Aware of Tax Implications If You Own a Business

Getting a Divorce? Be Aware of Tax Implications If You Own a Business

If you’re a business owner and you're getting a divorce, tax issues can complicate matters. The best thing you can do to avoid surprises is plan ahead.
Should You Opt Out of the Advance Child Tax Credit?

Should You Opt Out of the Advance Child Tax Credit?

Have children under the age of 18? By now, you likely have received your first advance child tax credit payment, either by check or by direct deposit.
The Top Five Benefits of 401(k) Profit-Sharing Plans

The Top Five Benefits of 401(k) Profit-Sharing Plans

Are you an employer looking for an attractive employee benefit that lets you plan contributions around revenues? Consider a 401(K) profit-sharing plan.
How to Evaluate Your Business Idea Before Diving In

How to Evaluate Your Business Idea Before Diving In

Before you start a new business, it’s a good idea to evaluate, research, and analyze. Here are Fiducial’s steps to start your business off right!